The movie was filmed and set in India. This means the film needed to have certain things that captured the Indian culture and the ethnicity of the characters.
Before we move on to the analysis of the movie, lets first get a better understanding of the word ethnicity.
Ethnicity is a group of people of the same descent with a common and distinctive culture that share a heritage.
Within the movie there are signs of the Indian culture and the ethnic background of the characters.
The video below shows some of the flashback scenes from the movie:
The implications of this movie is that it gives insight to people what a real Indian culture can look like. This movie was based off a book written about a true story, the movie was based in India, filmed in India, starred Indian actors, etc. This means that it wasn't a Western European adaptation of an Indian story, it was the real deal. This allows viewers to see the real insights of the culture and ethnicity of the characters. It also allows those of this ethnic decent to see themselves in the mainstream media.